Total Mortgages

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Development & Bridging Loans

Borrowing for Development Purposes: How Total Mortgages Can Help

Developing a property can be a lucrative investment opportunity, but it requires significant funding. Whether you are a property developer or an individual looking to undertake a development project, securing the right financing is essential.

At Total Mortgages, we understand the complexities involved in property development financing, and we will refer to a specialist Third Party to offer specific advice in this area.

There are several types of development finance available, including:

  1. Development finance: This is specifically designed to fund property development projects and can be used to purchase land or finance construction costs.

  2. Bridging finance: This is a short-term loan that can be used to bridge the gap between buying a property and securing longer-term financing.

  3. Commercial mortgages: These can be used to purchase commercial property or land, including properties that are being developed.